Fresh and naturally tasty, courgettes – a species of the cucurbitaceae family – is confirmed as the spokesperson for a healthy and balanced Mediterranean diet.
The peel, the scent and the different flavour nuances of this fruit rich in antioxidants vary according to the characteristics of the different types.
Dark or light green courgette, with or without striated skin, courgette with or without flower – the choice is just a matter of taste!
In Italy, the varieties of courgette are characterized according to the types of fruit (peponide).
The types of courgettes we grow are:
Italy - Umbria
16 - 18 cm
August - November
3.000 q
Carton Packaging 30/40/16
5 Kg
500 g
OPERATION : RDP for Umbria 20142020 measure 4.2.1 Support for investments for the processing, marketing and/or development of agricultural products PURPOSE Upgrading of energy-saving facilities and purchase of machinery and equipment for processing, transformation of fruit and vegetables for fresh consumption EXPECTED RESULTS: energy saving and improvement of processing and commercial preparation of fruit and vegetables for fresh consumption.SUPPORT RECEIVED FROM THE EUROPEAN UNION: € 178,189.00. European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe invests in rural areas: