By brassicas is a set of crops whose edible part can be represented by inflorescences, also called heads, or by leaves.
Cauliflowers, broccoli, green cabbage, savoy cabbage, turnips are just some of the main exponents of this rich and tasty family.
There is no shortage of nutrients, in fact there are innumerable beneficial properties that characterize these real “gifts of the Earth”.
The types of brassicas we grow are:
0,5 Kg
September - February
3.000 q
Carton Packaging 30/40/16
5 Kg
500 g
1,0 - 2,0 Kg
September - February
10.000 q
Carton Packaging 40/60/18
8 - 10 Kg
500 g
1,0 - 1,5 Kg
September - February
5.000 q
Carton Packaging 40/60/18
8 - 10 Kg
500 g
OPERATION : RDP for Umbria 20142020 measure 4.2.1 Support for investments for the processing, marketing and/or development of agricultural products PURPOSE Upgrading of energy-saving facilities and purchase of machinery and equipment for processing, transformation of fruit and vegetables for fresh consumption EXPECTED RESULTS: energy saving and improvement of processing and commercial preparation of fruit and vegetables for fresh consumption.SUPPORT RECEIVED FROM THE EUROPEAN UNION: € 178,189.00. European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe invests in rural areas: